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A linux CLI tool to map keyboard hotkeys with the Novation Launchpad device.

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Important: I have only tested this implementation with the first Novation Launchpad, model NOVLPD01.


Download and unzip from latest release


This will ask for the MIDI port, and will default the config file to config/config.yml. You can also pass the port number and the config file, as follows:

./launchpad2KB --port=1 --config=config/config.yml


./launchpad2KB -p 1 -c config/config.yml

For some reason sometimes it won't start detecting the device presses. When this happens pressing the mixer button on the top-right of your device is enough for it to start working.


The configuration file must be in .yaml or .yml format. There is an example config file at config/config.yml. For each cell you will require to set it as follows:


- cell: 112
      - "ctrl"
      - "shift"
      - "e"
  color: 120

This will bind the cell 112 to trigger CTRL+SHIFT+E when pressed.

  • cell indicates the cell number (see image below).
  • keys are the keyboard keys to be pressed. Keys reference.
  • color is a number ranging from 0 to 127.

Example of multiple cells:

- cell: 112
      - "ctrl"
      - "shift"
      - "e"
  color: 120
- cell: 113
      - "ctrl"
      - "shift"
      - "f"
  color: 80
- cell: 113
      - "f"
  color: 60

Run from source

  • Create virtual enviroment & install dependencies
virtualenv env
source env/bin/activate
pìp install -r requirements.txt
  • Tkinter is also required:

Arch linux

sudo pacman -S tk

Debian & Ubuntu

sudo apt-get install python3-tk


sudo dnf install python3-tkinter

Then run as shown previously replacing ./launchpad2KB with python src/

Haven't tested it on Windows/MacOS.


cells image
