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How to install Davinci Resolve in any linux distro

How to install Davinci Resolve in any linux distro with distrobox. For this case I'm using Manjaro Linux as the host system and with the free version of the video editor.

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  • Install distrobox and podman:
sudo pacman -Syu podman distrobox
  • Create a Fedora container with distrobox:
distrobox-create --name fedora --image fedora:38
  • Download Davinci Resolve from the official website and extract the zip file.

  • Enter your distrobox container:

distrobox enter fedora
sudo dnf update
  • Running -i will give many dependency errors, install whatever package it ask using dnf install and re-run the executable.

  • In my case with an AMD GPU:

    sudo dnf install fuse fuse-devel alsa-lib \
        apr apr-util dbus-libs fontconfig freetype \
        libglvnd libglvnd-egl libglvnd-glx \
        libglvnd-opengl libICE librsvg2 libSM \
        libX11 libXcursor libXext libXfixes libXi \
        libXinerama libxkbcommon libxkbcommon-x11 \
        libXrandr libXrender libXtst libXxf86vm \
        mesa-libGLU mtdev pulseaudio-libs xcb-util \
        xcb-util-image xcb-util-keysyms \
        xcb-util-renderutil xcb-util-wm \
        mesa-libOpenCL rocm-opencl libxcrypt-compat \
  • When you notice it doesn't complain about dependencies anymore. Run the executable again with sudo. That should launch the installer.

  • After that, in my case, launching /opt/resolve/bin/resolve would result in a glib error that I've solved by renaming every libglib within /opt/resolve/libs as shown below. This apparently forces Davinci Resolve to use the system's libraries instead of the ones that come built-in with the video editor.

cd /opt/resolve/libs

sudo mv
sudo mv
sudo mv
  • Now if you run /opt/resolve/bin/resolve within the container it will hopefully open Davinci Resolve without any more errors.

  • To integrate the application to your host system run:

distrobox-export --app /opt/resolve/bin/resolve

For some reason the default launcher created with the previous command will fail to launch. If this happens right click on Davinci Resolve icon > Edit Application > Application and leave the Work Path field empty.

Edit app launcher

Edit app launcher
  • Now you should be able to launch Davinci Resolve from your host system and start editing!

  • Be careful when cleaning podman containers by executing podman system prune as it may delete the distrobox container.

Davinci Resolve opened

Davinci Resolve

Issues detected

  • Will crash every time I click on the Fusion tab.
  • Doesn't work with H264 clips.
