Space engine zoom-out time lapse
This game is incredible. Here is yet another space engine zoom-out video. Enjoy the ride!
This game is incredible. Here is yet another space engine zoom-out video. Enjoy the ride!
In this post I'll showcase a bit my brand new telegram bot. In the recent years I've been fairly active on a silly mobile/web game called Rival Regions. I've created a dozen of bots and tools, some of them publicly available in RR Tools.
As you may have read on my first post this blog started as a little GatsbyJS website. Although I like Gatsby, It's been a while I was wanting to dip my toes on the very famous and praised react framework called Next.js, as so many (probably paid) videos and articles are always pointing out how great it is.
Recently I've been working on my spare time on a simple GUI app for the interesting tool called Spleeter by Deezer. Spleeter is a "source separation library with petrained models" whatever that means. It basically takes a song and splits it according to the different instruments and vocals it's AI detects. The end result is indeed quite impressive.
This the first entry on my personal blog. I've thinking for a long time on creating a blog mostly as a reminder to my own self of the stuff I do, just because I tend to forget. Also I will take the opportunity to learn a bit of Gatsbyjs, React and English, which are all technologies that I'm not very used to.