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I've switched to Next.js

As you may have read on my first post this blog started as a little GatsbyJS website. Although I like Gatsby, It's been a while I was wanting to dip my toes on the very famous and praised react framework called Next.js, as so many (probably paid) videos and articles are always pointing out how great it is.

Update 14/09/2023

I no longer use NextJS for this website. I've switched to mkdocs material.

Post cover

I migrated this blog mostly because of my lack of good ideas to start with this framework. So, I initiated the project with the blog-starter-typescript and after cleaning up some of the components I won't be using and changing a bit of CSS I call it done. Apparently this example comes with Tailwind css configured, but I feel more conformable with Bulma, so I've switched to that.

Overall the whole process was pretty straight forward, but I can't see yet the so-called full potential of Next.js.

I'm now thinking what else could I do to test around with the framework, I've heard it's image optimization is pretty good when using it's Image, so a self-hosted image gallery project comes to my mind as decent idea.

If you are curious on how the blog is built you can check the source code on github

So that's it, I can say now I've made a Next.js app. Bye.
